Experiential Dependent Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change in response to experience, repeated stimuli, environmental cues, and learning. We now know that the brain isn’t a fixed organ. We have the ability to learn, grow and make new connections based on where we direct our energy. Basically, what we spend our time focusing on builds pathways in our mind and we help strengthen the connections. 


Think about it, when was the last time you experienced something negative? Perhaps a conversation you had didn’t go well and you said something you wish you hadn’t. Most people will replay that conversation over and over in their minds. Wishing they said this or hadn’t said that. They ruminate over it for hours and in some cases even days. Yet when we experience something positive we let that moment float in and out like it ain’t no thang. We don’t replay the experience over and over as we do when we experience something we consider bad. 


Our brain is like a sieve for positive experience and net for the negative.


Our brain is like a sieve for positive experience and net for the negative. We let the good fall right through and catch the negative and hold onto it for dear life. But what if we started to catch the positive and spend just as much time replaying them in our mind. What if we took advantage of neuroplasticity? We could train our brain to notice the good more often.


Here’s one specific way I try and incorporate neuroplasticity. When I experience a super funny moment or someone I’m with says something funny. I take out my phone, open up my notes app and write it down. I then open up my calendar and link the note to a date in the future. Then, say a week or two later I receive a notification with the notes attached and I get to chuckle at that moment all over again. I get to relive it in a way and why wouldn’t you want to have another laugh? 


With neuroplasticity we are not limited, in fact, we have unlimited potential.


The act of doing this sets me up to spend more time reminiscing over the good times because more often than not, we focus on the negative more than the positive. It takes practice but it’s totally worth it. With neuroplasticity, our brain has the ability to grow new connections and change. We are not limited, in fact, we have unlimited potential. When we meditate we open up our brain to make new connections, to see things from a different perspective and grow in new ways. We can change the way we think which will change the way we experience life. Want to discover more? Click here to book a demo session under the Light and start to interrupt those negative thought patterns.