What is light meditation and how does it work? Lucia Light meditation is our specialty at RE:MIND Meditation. It’s an effective method for achieving an altered state of awareness, which reduces stress and improves mental clarity. And, the Lucia N°03 device provides guidance to help you enter a meditative state.

Lucia Light is used for a variety of reasons. Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of feedback on how the light helps turn down looped thinking or helps you to observe your thoughts and let them go.




With the Lucia light, you can naturally lower your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and calm your sympathetic nervous system. Additionally, your breathing changes as your body calms.

By breathing deeply with our belly, we press our diaphragm against our vagus nerve. While pressing our diaphragm against our vagus nerve, we activate the relaxation response. By pressing against it, our diaphragm signals to our brain that everything is okay, otherwise we wouldn’t take such deep, slow, calming breaths.

Breathing deeply with our belly can serve as a searchlight when we’ve lost awareness.

Additionally, the Lucia light helps reduce baseline stress levels.

Listen to what a few people have said about their experience under the light instead of taking my word for it.

“Sleep quality has improved significantly. I also have noticed my contentment with my own thoughts. After my treatment, my usual overthinking others perceptions of me seems to have been erased. My inner voice has been very positive.” – K.S.

“It’s like you get to separate your brain activity (thoughts) from you. You are actually the observer. It’s wild and relaxing at the same time.” C. A.

“My stress level went from a 10 to a zero. I’m blown away by how it erased my stress. I came in stressed out and I left incredibly calm and zen after the session. I think I might have slept better that night too.” – M. M.






So, what is light meditation exactly? This is a form of guided meditation that uses white light that flickers. It induces a state of high relaxation. Imagine being in the state between wakefulness and sleep. When you are able to spend time in-between states your nervous system has the opportunity to relax. The stressors of life can leave us so jacked up that we don’t get the rest we need to function properly and feel good. Human-ing isn’t easy!

Light travels from your retina to your optical nerve and helps you relax and rest deeply. During this time, both mind and body are able to let go.





Lucia Light can be used in many ways. In 60-minute appointments, some people prefer two shorter sessions, while others appreciate a long continuous session. Regardless of the method you choose, there are a few things to keep in mind when using the Lucia Light.


It can sometimes feel like laying in the sun under the Lucia light, causing some to feel dehydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of water before you come. In addition, I will offer you some after our session.



Before your session, limit the amount of caffeine you consume. It is especially helpful if you have a morning session. Since caffeine can sometimes heighten feelings of anxiety, I recommend decaf or holding off until afterwards. Having said that, you know your body the best, so do as you please.



If you wear contact lenses, you’ll need your case and solution for removing them. If you have sensitive eyes, it is best not to wear them because the light sometimes gets warm.




There are several ways to book a session with the Lucia meditation light. Make sure you book the demo session if you’ve never done one before. This is free, and it gives you an idea of what to expect while spending time with the Light.


  • You can do so by visiting our website.


  • You can reach us by calling or texting 778-233-4727


  • If you prefer social media, you can direct message me on Instagram. You can find me at @remindmeditation.ca.


  • Email – jaylee@remindmeditation.ca



Booking a session can be done by clicking here. For those who have read all the way to the bottom, send me an email at jaylee@remindmeditation.ca with the words WHITE LIGHT in capital letters and I’ll give you a 50% discount on your first full session. ?